Konkurs za generalnog sekretara Međunarodne federacije novinara


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Zaposlenje je u Briselu. Rok za prijavljivanje je podne, 30. jul 2015. godine.

Job Description

The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists is seeking to appoint a full-time General Secretary, based in Brussels for a period lasting up to 31st December 2019.

The General Secretary must have the following skills:

  1. Experience and knowledge of trade unionism, with proven ability to lead and inspire and with considerable knowledge of trade unionism.
  2. Experience and knowledge of journalism and broad issues connected with media and journalists worldwide.
  3. Experience of leading campaigns and negotiating with institutions and partners.
  4. Knowledge and experience of effectively managing the human resources of an organisation with the ability to motivate teams and simultaneously manage several projects.
  5. Ability to prepare, develop and implement financial plans and manage resources, and to secure funding/revenue sources.
  6. Professional written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to communicate and interact with officials at all levels and to work effectively with affiliates.
  7. Knowledge of communication and public relation techniques and ability to develop and deliver reports and presentations.
  8. Be fluent in English and French or Spanish. Fluency in other languages will be of advantage.

Duties of the General Secretary

l General: Implement the strategic goals and objectives of the organisation under the authority of the Administrative/Executive Committees and in line with its Constitution, internal rules and policies, and report regularly to the Administrative/Executive Committees on all of his/her action on behalf of the Federation.

l Governance: Enable the statutory bodies to fulfill their governance function by organising and attending all meetings of the Congress, and the Administrative/Executive Committees and supporting the elected leadership through open relations with the statutory Officers, the Administrative/Executive Committees and member unions of the Federation.

l Human resources: Effectively manage the human resources of the organisation according to procedures that fully conform to current policies. This would involve appointing staff in bands B, C and D, including temporary positions, and the filling of existing vacancies, as listed in the Staff Agreement, and helping organise the appointment by the Administrative/Executive Committees of staff in band A and the regional directors, except the position of General Secretary.

l Finance: Management on a day-today basis of the finances of the Federation in accordance with the budget prepared jointly with the Honorary Treasurer and set by the Administrative/Executive Committees. This would involve managing the property and other assets of the Federation and entering into such legal contracts as necessary for the management and operation of the Federation. Responsibility also includes organising fund raising and identifying fund-raising opportunities for projects, as well as dealing with the auditing process.

l Communications: Assure the organisation and its regional groups, their mission, programs, and campaigns are consistently presented in a strong and effective manner. Edit and produce publications [print and electronic] for the Federation.

l External relations: Oversee existing relations with external organisations and initiating new ones under the supervision and with the approval of the Administrative/Executive Committees.

Terms and conditions

The General Secretary will be employed on a renewable contract. He or she will received a monthly salary of €7200, paid within the terms of the Belgian salary system. Additional fringe benefits will be paid in line with the terms of the Staff Agreement.

Other terms and conditions in the IFJ staff agreement will apply to the GS unless explicitely covered and excluded by his/her contract.

The General Secretary will be responsible to the Administrative/Executive Committees. He/she should act on legal matters, if necessary jointly with the President and the Honorary Treasurer.

Timetable for the appointment

The IFJ Executive Committee has agreed the following timetable for the appointment:

Closing date for the receipt of applications:                         30th July 2015

Short-listing by the Administrative Committee:                      15th August 2015

Interview by the Interview Panel                                            15th September 2015

Appointment by the Executive Committee                         24th/25th October 2015

The IFJ is now calling for application for this post. To be shortlisted candidates must:

l Be a member of a trade union and have trade union experience as a lay or full-time official;

l Have worked as a journalist;

l Sign a declaration that they accept the terms and the conditions of the post;

l Be prepared to relocate to within a reasonable distance of the IFJ Headquarters in Brussels.

Closing date for application:

The completed application form together with the declaration on acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Employment must be signed by the applicant and returned before the closing date. Failure to sign and return the forms would invalidate the application.

Once appointed, a candidate must then sign the contract of employment before the offer is confirmed.

Anyone interested in applying or seeking further details should contact:

Bernard Vanmuysewinkel

International Federation of Journalists

International Press Centre, Résidence Palace, Block C

155 rue de la Loi, B-1040 Brussels. Belgium

Tel: +32 2 235 22 08

e-mail: [email protected] 

Closing date for applications: Noon on 30th July 2015.


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