Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety is a project developed in cooperation between Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia, Association of BH Journalists, Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Association of Journalists of Macedonia, Croatian Journalists Association and Trade Union of Media of Montenegro and commissioned by European Commission in December 2015.
The overall goal of the action is enabling legal and social environment for pluralistic media through empowering journalist associations to be effective and accountable actors in advocating of application of EU standards of media freedom and integrity in Western Balkan region, therefore advancing citizens’ right to information and informed choice.
In order to do so, we will achieve the following specific goals
- establishing of Early Warning and Prevention System as a cross-country sustainable long-term mechanism for monitoring and advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety in 6 countries.
- capacity building, networking and exchange of knowledge, skills and connections between partners
- strengthen partners’ watchdog role, advocacy capacities and credibility towards public authorities.
- facilitate the creation of an enabling legal and policy environment related to media freedom and protection of journalists
In order to realise the project results and it goals, these actions will take place:
Inception phase, months 1-6 envisages establishing specific media freedoms indicators and benchmarks based on DG Enlargement Guidelines for EU support to media freedom and media integrity in the enlargement countries 2014-20 research methodology and production of 5 baseline reports that includes legal framework and practice and comparative analysis to be presented in December 2016.
In addition an assessment of partners’ capacities and training needs will be produced.
Implementation phase, months 6-36 envisages implementation of Early Warning and Prevention System, capacity building through exchange of applicable know-how, production of development plans and monitoring/evaluation system. The phase includes implementation of an awareness campaign with sub-granting to local CSOs and media campaign focused on freedom of expression, media freedom and their credibility and integrity as a main value in democratic society.
Evaluation phase 30-35 month includes follow up country specific research against set indicators, compared to baseline research and detailing accomplished changes – result of the above mentioned action.
The project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety will last 36 months.
For more information about parnters see their respective websites:
- Association of BH Journalists – http://bhnovinari.ba/
- Croatian Journalists Association – http://www.hnd.hr/
- Association of Journalists of Macedonia – http://znm.org.mk/
- Association of Journalists of Kosovo – http://www.apjk.org/
- Trade Union of Media of Montenegro http://www.sindikatmedija.me/
The project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety is financed by European Commission as a part of the Civil society facility and media programme 2014-2015, Support to regional thematic networks of Civil Society Organisations.