SEEMO Supports Democratic and Transparent Debate on New Media Strategy in Serbia

has made several attempts to draft a new media strategy in accordance with
international standards. Since 2010, studies have been commissioned and
discussions held in order to compile different views related to this strategic

the members of a working group composed of the representatives of journalists’
associations and the Ministry of Culture agreed on a proposal. When media
professionals celebrated the agreement, they learned that the Ministry of
Culture was allegedly preparing a parallel document and forming an alternative
working group.

professionals were stunned to learn that the government was “hiding its cards,”
said Veran Matic, SEEMO coordinator for Serbia and president of the board of
directors of B92. “This is an irreparable mistake that they have inflicted on
the democratic process and on us,” he added.

suspicions stem from the fact that the whole process has been conveyed during
summer and the summer vacations, a time of year in which, unfortunately, this
Government has used to adopt controversial media legislative acts. The latest
examples are the changes to the Public Information Act adopted two years ago,
and in the meantime proclaimed unconstitutional. There is a justified fear that
something similar might have happened this time, too, and that is why it is
important to pay additional attention to democracy and transparency in this
important process, which is one of the key processes for the further
democratization of Serbia and a better position for journalists and the media
in Serbia,” wrote Matic in a letter addressed to the EU Commission and the
Council of Europe.

Obradovic, president of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia
(NUNS) wondered: “Is it in the spirit of democratic procedure that such an
important act would be adopted without a public debate?”


a newspaper interview, Ljiljana Smajlovic, president of the Journalists’
Association of Serbia (UNS), commented: “We want to have an opportunity to give
our opinion on the suggestions [for a media strategy] that will be presented by
the Ministry of Culture”.


fully support the demands of different professional associations in Serbia to
participate in a public debate on a new media strategy. This strategy will
serve as a basis for future media laws,” said Oliver Vujovic, SEEMO Secretary


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